Saturday, March 30, 2019

Outloud Thinker

I'm an outloud thinker most of the time. It's got its pros and cons.

  • I don't often have a shortage of words (arguably, the introverts would think that's really a con).
  • I enjoy talking to people and processing things together.
  • Sometimes I say things that others don't want to say or don't think to say. For example, I am quick to say sorry when I should say sorry and quick to share my appreciation for someone or their gifts. Those are some of my values, but also, if I thought it, I'll tell you.
  • Starting conversations with random strangers isn't too difficult.
  • You get to hear my train of thought, which I guess could be a pro, depending on whether you wanted to know it or not.
  • You don't really have to guess what I'm thinking much.
  • I can "write" a sermon by talking to myself in the car.
  • Public speaking is pretty comfortable for me. 
  • I say things before I've thought them through.
  • I put my foot in my mouth often.
  • What I say right away isn't always the final product, so you've got to listen longer to figure out what I really think, or where I was trying to go with that thought (that's not necessarily a con unless you're impatient or generally reactive).
  • I stew about things until I've said them outloud.
  • Introverts don't really want to engage in whatever thoughts I have as long as I do.
  • I can't always make sense of things or make a decision until I've processed it outloud. It's hard to make snap decisions in situations that aren't wise for me to think it through outloud.
  • It's difficult to have private thoughts. I have them, but not that many.
  • I interrupt a lot, because I get too excited to say a thing I thought.
  • Sometimes I think outloud into a microphone during church and that is probably a pro and a con.
  • From Jesse after I asked him what he thought the pros and cons were: "con: standing around listening longer than you wanted to, when all you wanted to do was go get some ice cream."
Well, there are more cons written down than pros, but I like being an outloud thinker. I think it's a decent way to think, and I'm going to keep doing it. 

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