Saturday, March 16, 2019

3 Awkward Pics

Sometimes there are these very quick viral posts that go around- like the one where you were supposed to show your first fb pic and your last, or the one where you were supposed to pick three characters that described who you are, or there was another one where you picked your celeb doppleganger. You know these kinds of things. There's like a million of them. I had an idea for one: three awkward pics. You just pick your three most awkward pics and everyone laughs because we're all a little awkward.

I'm not sure if these are the three I'd pick, but here's three pretty awkward ones:

That was way more than 3. I got carried away, but also I didn't even look that hard. They were all old profile pics from fb. I think that says a lot about me, actually. What do you think are the top 3 here? I know I probably have even more awkward pics if I kept looking. This is why I never tried to start a thing. 

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