Wednesday, March 13, 2019

I Might Have Told You This Story Before

My family and I have a real gift for telling the same stories over and over again. If it's a good one, tell it again. Oh the person you're telling it to says they've heard it before? Go ahead and pretend you didn't hear them say that and tell it louder. It's the way we like to do it. Jesse and I have been together over ten years now, so he's on his 4th, 5th, 10th telling of some of my stories. My dad has 10 go-to stories that I can recite by heart and sometimes I do while he's telling them. My mom and I talk on the phone all the time and will regularly have several of the same conversations. But they're good ones, and I like them, so why not go through it again?

I do a sort of lie regularly. I say things like, "I might have told you this story before" which means I've DEFINITELY told you this story before, but for some reason it seems like I should tell it again, and you'll be more receptive to it if I acknowledge that you might have heard it before I tell it.

Aaron's learning the family skill. His first story he pieced together was this fall when he was just starting to talk. He figured out how to say "bird, Autumn, eat... no no no!" Can you guess what happened? Our dog, Autumn, tried to eat a bird that was stuck in my in-law's indoor porch and we yelled, "no no no" and got the bird out before she could get it. He covered all the highlights, really. He told that story over and over and over and over again.

Here's another example: on Saturday we went to Chipotle and he fell off his chair and bonked his head. After he calmed down, he walked up to everyone at our table and told them individually, "Fell off chair. Bonked head. Cry." and to several other patrons that he didn't know. And later to me again, and Jesse when he got home.

I don't really know how to conclude this one, I thought it might be funny if I just copy and pasted everything up until this point, but I guess I think it's funnier to tell you that than actually doing it. 

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