Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Stupid Obstacles

I haven't been as diligent about writing this blog as other years. There are a a few reasons:

  1. Full time job and a full time toddler
  2. I go to bed earlier
  3. I've written close to 140 posts already, so I'm just a little less passionate this year.
  4. I got a gym membership and there's a hot tub there.
  5. Number 4 is worth repeating.
Here's what I actually want to talk about: stupid obstacles. A little bit ago I thought, "oh, I should write my blog post soon." and then I thought, "oh man, but the computer is 5 feet away. And, I'll have to plug it in because I'm pretty sure it's dead." And for a few seconds this was a legitimate excuse to skip it tonight. The outlet is right next to the couch, and unrolling the computer cord takes at most an additional 5 seconds. So we're talking an 8-10 seconds of addtional work. I convinced myself that was a dumb reason not to do a practice, so here I am. But it got me thinking, sometimes the things "standing in my way" of doing something helpful/meaningful/good for me/doing a thing that requires some amount of discipline are really not in my way at all. I bet this is why we get lazy.

Here are some examples that I could imagine myself thinking at some point in my life:

  • The remote's across the room, so I'll watch one more episode on Netflix.
  • I'm too tired to get ready for bed, so I'll sit here thinking about how tired I am.
  • I'm too cold to get out of bed and put the sweatshirt on that's right next to the bed, so I'll just stay in bed.
  • I'll have to change my clothes to go to the gym, and I'm not sure that I want to change my clothes.
What thin excuses do you catch yourself thinking (or making?)?

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