Saturday, April 13, 2019


When I was little, I had a blankie. I used to suck my two fingers (right pointer & middle), and pinch my blankie with the other hand. It was a comfort thing, probably. Blankie was all ripped up and actually a choking hazard near the end.

Aaron does something similar, except that there's no blankie... just my arm. He likes to lay his head on the squishy part of my arm, or pinch it for comfort. If I have a sweatshirt on, he asks if he can have my arm. "Momma, arm?" Sometimes I say yes, and sometimes I say no. As precious as it is while he's a cute two year old, I have a feeling it's going to get less precious the older he gets. He used to fall asleep pinching my cheek, so I guess my arm is better?

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