Tuesday, April 9, 2019


The problem with getting this far into Lent is that all the topics that I had thought up at the beginning and still have left, are left for a reason. Mostly it's either one of two things: I didn't remember what I meant by the titles I made up or I avoided them because they were less fun or too tiring to write.

This is one where I don't really know what I meant, but I'll think of some things to say anyways.

Aaron learned his ABCs. He's been working on them since about Christmas, but he really locked them in when he had the stomach flu and watched TV for like 3 days straight (which included lots of kid song music videos).

When he was first learning them he said it like this once:
You know, you really can follow his train of thought there.

Now he says them pretty well:
ABCD(still won't say E for some reason)FGHIJK-Elmo-P [QRS (these are optional)]-TVooVeeeWXY-Z Now I know ABCs next time won't a singalonga me...YAYYYYY!!!

When he see any letters on anything he says, "ABCD!" and points.

He's really smart. If he keeps this up he might be writing his own Lenten blog next year.

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