Thursday, April 4, 2019

Last Meal

Of course, I hope this is a very hypothetical situation, but if I were awaiting my execution and could pick a really perfect last meal, this is what I would have:

Pretty much, the perfect meal would be everything that destroys my stomach, but is so delicious. I think we all know that I'm talking about Taco Bell. I'd order a nachos bel grande if that still exists and I'd make sure there was extra cheese and sour cream because I haven't really had cheese and sour cream in like 20 years, and then I'd pour like 7 fire sauce packets on it. I'd have better guac on the side though, maybe from Chipotle or the tableside kind that costs $12ish at Cisco's. I'm not sure how hungry I am after I eat this, but if I have room, I might try to eat some pizza with cheese on it, or just really go for some dairy-desserts. Right now, it seems like a half slice of that reese's pb+chocolate silk pie from Perkin's would be good, and a half slice of chocolate cake with ganache al a mode would be a good ending. Basically, I want to pretend I have the stomach and appetite of a 15 year old, with no consequences. Which, considering this very hypothetical situation that I hope never comes to fruition, I'm already reaping serious consequences, what's a couple hours of delicious food bliss without having to curl up in the fetal position later?

What'd be your last meal?

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