Thursday, April 18, 2019

5 Minute Blog

I told Jesse I would write this blog post for 5 minutes. I set a timer. Jesse wants to go to bed soon, which is a good goal. I have everything that I want to do when I get home, which sometimes takes a long time. Shower-talk about our days-this blog-play massages-HGTV-talk some more. Every night we play massages where we literally set the timer for 10 mins and rub each other's shoulders. It's gotten so routine that my back starts hurting extra around 10pm.

The timer just beeped, but I think I'll write a couple more minutes until Jesse turns around to tell me that he noticed the timer went off. I do that sometimes. He's really good at time management, and I sort of walk this line of taking more time but not too much that my husband gets very annoyed... just a little annoyed.

We're at the massages part of our bedtime routine, so see ya.   

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