Tuesday, February 16, 2016

"Try this!" or "I Lava You"

I get really excited about things. Sometimes it's a movie, sometimes it's some new health kick I've gotten on, sometimes it's a restaurant, sometimes it's some new invention that I've just learned exists. And when I get excited about something, I tell everyone that they should try and/or know about that thing.

Here's a recent list of things I've needed to tell everyone about obsessively:

  • essential oils
  • the soda stream
  • sparkling water in general
  • Chromecasts to older adults that don't know about them
  • the excellent happy hour prices at Bonfire
  • preaching without a manuscript (but cautiously, because I don't want to come off pretentious)
  • The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt
  • our Wednesday night meals at church
  • Vino in the Valley (it's a restaurant in Wisconsin)
  • neti pots
  • Zicam
  • Daiya- fake cheese that melts
  • The Mindy Project
  • wanting to be best friends with Mindy Kaling
  • Brene Brown and all of her books
  • Nadia Bolz-Weber and the way she talks about God
There are more. 

Last summer I went to see the movie Inside Out. Did you see it? Do you remember the Pixar short before it? Lava?? It's so good. I listened to that song on repeat for weeks and made everyone who got in my car listen to it on repeat with me. I also was a little obsessive about Inside Out, but not quite as much as Lava.

Actually, wait. Listen to this. If you've already listened to it, listen again.

Is that not the CUTEST? Volcanoes falling in LOVE! And with such a good pun!!! I lava you. 

My sister even made me this for Christmas:

I really lava it and her.

I get really excited about things that I like and really want others to know about them too. I figure, if I had a good/meaningful/happy/etc. experience, I want to be able to give other people a good/meaningful/happy/etc. experience too. It's like a gift!

So, if I've told you to try something, know about something, watch something, listen to something somewhat obsessively and possibly was a little too pushy about it, just know that I was trying to give you a gift. My heart was in the right place.   

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