Thursday, February 11, 2016

Give it up for... Lent!

I started a blog!

And I'm going to let people see it!

I've started a few blogs before, but always got too nervous to tell anyone about them or write more than one post. So, for Lent this year (aka until Easter), I'm going to make myself post something every day as a practice.

Here's what I hope happens:
1. I get a little braver.
2. I will have to do something creative every day.
3. I will follow through with something that makes me nervous.
4. Maybe people who read this will get a little chuckle out of it, because I plan to only be about 10% serious (THAT'S HOW I CAME UP WITH THE NAME). I want this to be light-hearted and random, like me.
5. Maybe I'll even want to keep doing this?


Also, whenever I hear the phrase, "give it up for Lent," I re-say it in my head with an announcer voice and imagine everyone is clapping and cheering for Lent. If you don't get it, I'll say it out loud to you next time.

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