Tuesday, February 23, 2016

What I Dislike About Winter

This winter hasn't been bad at all, but that doesn't mean I necessarily like it now. Here's a list of what I dislike about winter:

  1. It's cold.
  2. I don't like being cold.
  3. It seems like a lot of work to leave the house at night time.
  4. It takes me an additional 30 minutes to an hour to get ready in the morning: up to 30 minutes to convince myself to get out of the warm bed, 5 minutes to put on all the extra clothes I need to walk the dog, 15 minutes to blow dry my hair so that it won't freeze, 5-10 minutes to heat up the car, then get all the outside clothes on again.
  5. Vitamin D deficiency.
  6. Lethargy.
  7. Walking back to the car after eating dinner out.
  8. My family and friends in CA tell me about how it's been a FREEZING 60 degrees. I want to take this opportunity to remind all of you that freezing starts at 32 degrees and goes down from there.
  9. Having to run outside to turn the car on so that I can leave in the morning.
  10. My coffee gets cold instantly on my way to work.
  11. It's not very sunny and that's sad.
  12. Two days after it snows and everything looks gray and gross.
  13. It gets dark at 5:00 pm.
  14. Walking the dog in snow pants, snow boots, and a down parka.
  15. You don't just want to sit outside on the deck.
  16. I watch 100% more TV.
  17. I feel fatter because I have to wear a lot more clothes.
  18. You can't just bring a picnic lunch somewhere.
  19. -20 degrees
  20. All of the neighbors are inside and I don't get to chit chat with them while I'm walking the dog.

But so that I don't leave this on a pessimistic note, here's a couple things I DO like about winter:

  1. When it snows, it's pretty.
  2. It's fun to have a snowy Christmas.
  3. Snowshoeing. 
  4. Sitting in front of a fireplace.
  5. Drinking coffee all day.
  6. Always having a conversation starter with strangers.
  7. No one judges you as much for watching Netflix all day.
  8. Snow days.
  9. It's kind of cozy if you're inside.
  10. My winter coat that feels like I'm wearing a sleeping bag.
  11. We seem to make chili a lot, and I like chili.
  12. Walking in the woods at my in-law's house.
  13. It's so hopeful when it stays light out until 6:00 pm.
  14. I have better boundaries with work- I rarely stay in the office past 5 if I don't have a meeting. It's hard to convince yourself to keep working when it looks like bedtime.
  15. Not feeling guilty about taking a Sunday afternoon nap.
  16. Walking in the snow.
  17. Winter hats.
  18. Wine.
  19. Ice skating outside.
  20. Building snowmen.

Also, here's a list of things I'm grateful for, despite not liking winter:

  1. A winter coat.
  2. A house with heat.
  3. A puppy that makes me go outside and enjoy the day.
  4. A car.
  5. My car has heat too.
  6. I have warm food.
  7. I have a space heater under my desk.
  8. Every birthday or Christmas gift, Jesse has given me the right kinds of winter gear.
  9. That automatic start exists for cars, and the hope that one day I could have that.
  10. Heated insoles for my shoes.
  11. Friends and family to hang out with and play games with inside.
  12. Hot chocolate.
  13. A working coffee pot.
  14. Netflix
  15. Books
  16. A husband that really likes winter and can teach me more things to like about winter.
  17. Calcium + Vitamin D gummies.
  18. A family in CA to visit this time of year.
  19. Seat warmers in the car.
  20. If I ever get sad about winter, I can pretend that it's still December and listen to Christmas music, or really really pretend that the snow is just sand and I'm walking along some beach.

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