Monday, March 22, 2021

Funny things Aaron says this year

I wrote a post in 2019 and 2020 with cute things Aaron used to say if you want to go back and see them.

He's a big four year old now and so the cute and silly things he says are different now. Mostly he just sounds like a little grown up who sometimes uses words out of context. I never remember to write the funny or clever things down, so here's some things I remember off the top of my head:

  • The other day he said, "mom, I had a wedgy today, and I just couldn't defeat it." I mean, it sort of works, but not quite.
  • He regularly says, "You've got to be kidding me!" He said it to me last week when I hadn't seen him in a few days and I kept kissing him on the cheek. 
  • We get in "I love you" wars where we try to say that we love each other more. "I love you 68 hundred 73!" "I love you as big as this house!" He's the sweetest boy I ever knew.
  • He has some real quick wit that I couldn't be more proud of. This isn't the best example, but it's one I can remember- last night at bedtime I told him to tell his brain to tell his legs to stop wiggling (someone gave me that tip recently), and his response was, "Oh, well that's good, because I speak leg." and then proceeded to speak jibberish to his legs.  
  • Last night he also wondered if butter came from butterflies. It's a fair question. Why ARE they named butterflies if they have nothing to do with butter?
  • "I'm okay!!!" as a regular refrain to falling and wiggling into things. 
  • Tonight at dinner he said exasperatedly, "Umm is there anyone here who can get me a napkin?" He regularly asks just me and Jesse if there's *anyone* who can help him with something.
  • In response to, "what did you do today?" his #1 response is, "I'm not going to tell you," like a little teenager.
  • "She telled me that," "I runned to you," "He readed it to me." 
He's a genuinely funny kid who cracks me up every day. His delivery and drama is what does it, which you can't read in a blog post. But one day, we'll see more humans again regularly and so many of you will get to hear his lil quips and stories and perfect ridiculousness.   


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