Monday, April 15, 2019

Funny Things Aaron Says

Pretty much everything Aaron says is funny. Here's a few things I can think of right now:

Third Person:
"Aaron going on the slide." "Aaron running." "Aaron laughin'."

Me & You:
He gets pretty confused about who is "me" and who is "you." It does seem confusing since I call him "you," so he mostly says "you" when he's talking about himself. Like, "momma, sit by you?" which means, "Momma, will you sit by me?" Sometimes he says, "I love you" and I'm not sure if he's talking to me or not.

Pretend (or, "pee-tend"):
He wrapped himself in a blanket the other day and said, "I a princess" and then twirled. Later he put a plastic basket on his head and said, "I be a astronaut." He also told me he was a "builder-guy" and a "worker-man."

Playing Church:
Aaron, while running to the front of the church during worship: "Be Pastor Aaron. Sing in the microphone!"

When he's yelling too loud:
Me or Jesse: Aaron, shhhh. Use your inside voice.
Aaron: Daddy's sleeping.

Questions about Autumn:
"I run with Autumn?" and then he runs, whether or not Autumn notices.
"Hit Autumn with hammer?" (just to be clear, the answer is definitely not)
"Give food a Autumn?"

Saying something that Aaron also said:
"Aaron say it!" (aka, I'm the only one that gets to say that, don't say it too)

You know what, he says a lot of funny stuff, and most of it's funnier stuff than this, and I should write it down, because I can hardly remember any of it.

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