Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Funny Things Aaron Says, now

Just about a year ago I wrote this post: Funny Things Aaron Says

He's a super good talker now now that he's a big "free year old" and he still says funny/cute things. Here's some things I can think of off the top of my head:

  • 3= free
  • "Did you even REALIZE that?"
  • About 8 times during dinner: "Mom, I love you." while leaning his head and giving me a sweet cheesy smile.
  • "Mooooommmm! Mommmmmmm!" What? "I don't have anything to tell you."
  • He said this to my sis a couple of days ago: "You can use 'suppose' in a lot of ways! Liiiiiike I suppose you shouldn't bring along your real axe so you don't chop off your friends' heads."
  • Earlier this week he said this to me: "Sometimes hope is hiding in the darkness." It was a quote from one of his books but I think my mouth still dropped a little.
  • Randomly inserting book quotes into normal conversation.
  • Randomly inserting a bunch of made up words into normal conversation.
  • Licorice is "lick-ma-griff"
  • Awesome kid logic. I was teaching him his right and left. I showed him the make an L with your fingers. I showed him the one on the left is an L, so that's how you know it's left. He said this to my sister about his left hand: "This hand makes an L, it's right (as in correct). So, this is right."
  • Very seriously: "I hafta do my work."
  • When given a choice between two things he doesn't really want: "nofing!"
  • This conversation that happens at least once a week: "Mom, do you like cheese?" "I do, but I'm allergic. It hurts my tummy." "But you liiiiike it?" "I do, but it doesn't like me back." "Ya, I'm allergic to vegetables, they don't like me back."
  • "We've never done this in a looooonnng time."
  • "I haven't had this in AGES."
  • "What did you said?"
  • "She doos that."
  • "To infinity and beyonnn!!!" 
  • "Hi, I'm Buzz, you're Zurg." "I'm Anna, you're Elsa." "I'm Woody, you're Bo Peep." "I'm David, you're GOLIAFF" "I'm Owlette and you're Catboy" etc.
  • While playing David and Goliath: "Goliaff, I love you." while leaning his head and giving me a cheesy smile.
  • When I tell him to do something he doesn't want to do, but he isn't quite in meltdown mode: "You are making me so FRUSTRATED." Why? "Because you're telling me to do things that I don't want to do!"
  • Sandwich= Samawich
  • This morning he yelled down the hall, "Mom do you want to know what I'm doing?" "Ya, what are you doing?" "I'm praying!" (heart melts) "What are you praying about? What are you saying to God?" "Oh, I'm not praying to God." (heart unmelts) 
  • He regularly talks about his sister. He does not have a sister. 
That's all I can think of right now.

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