Sunday, April 12, 2020

How I'll replace this time.

I always like doing this blog during Lent. It's kind of fun for me. This year I liked it even more, because it gave me something else to think about during this pandemic. But, it's a Lent blog, and technically it's not even Lent anymore today (happy Easter), so it's time to quit for the year. Lent might be over, but the pandemic isn't, so here's a list of things I plan to do with this free time:
  1. Read books. Possibly, even the stack of books I took home from my office that are still sitting downstairs.
  2. Continue to fall asleep tucking Aaron into bed. Tonight I slept for 30 mins in his tiny toddler bed.
  3. Do some puzzles. A kind family from church let us borrow some because buying a puzzle during a pandemic is up there with trying to buy toilet paper. 
  4. Maybe go to bed before 11:30. But, maybe not. I barely even know what day of the week it is let alone have some semblence of an adult life schedule.
  5. More zoom game nights with friends and family. Why we weren't always doing this, I have no idea.
  6. Finish watching Jane the Virgin and also, How I Met Your Mother (again)
  7. Do some kind of artistic, crafty, creative thing. Actually I know me, what I will actually do is look at the various supplies I have to do such a thing, think about things I could make, go on Pinterest to get some ideas, accidentally look at FB, accidentally look at FB too long, decide it's too late to pull things out and make something.
  8. Set some time limits on FB again and actually do things that matter. :-)
  9. Have a campfire outside once it's spring again.
  10. Do the free Lifetime yoga vids that I still haven't done, but told other people about.
  11. I just joined some kind of wine club for the pandemic (and because I found a $100 voucher), so I'll probably sit outside and drink a wine and think about how sad it is that I can't hear as many airplanes this year.
  12. Write some cards to people I like. Leave them on a table because I don't have stamps. Text those people and tell them that I made them cards and will send them eventually. 
  13. Organize stuff? Think about organizing stuff?
  14. Play board games with Jesse.
  15. Watch all the vid messages from my friends that I'm always behind on, and maybe I will stop being behind on them.

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