Friday, March 19, 2021

Things I pretend so I can cope with winter

Well, it's warming up now, so I don't need to pretend AS much. BUT, when I start getting sick of winter and snow and coats I just start pretending it isn't cold out. Here's how I do it:

  • Put on more clothes than I need so that half way through my walk I get real warm. If I squint (a lot) and use my childhood imagination (a lot), the snow can partially transform into a sandy beach. I've never worn a parka and snow pants on sandy beach before, but I know vaguely what it would feel like now if I did. The first day above 0 in February, it was sunny, and I wore all the things, and half way through my walk I legitimately thought: "we should grill tonight." It was 8 degrees. 
  • Sit in front of the fireplace with a tank top on. Part of what I hate about winter is that I hate wearing winter clothes. I really just want to wear a tank top and jeans. That's all I ever want to wear. Now that we have a fireplace, I just do that, and pretend the living room is hot like it would be if it were hot outside.
  • Start trying on my old summer clothes or occassionally buying some new spring/summer clothes as if I'm going to wear them anytime soon. 
  • When I'm not pregnant or in the middle of a pandemic, I go to the gym and use the eliptical for all of 15-20 mins and then I sit in the hot tub and steam room for a while and pretend I'm on some kind of warm vacation. 
    I refuse to smile when my eyelashes are covered in ice.
My real coping mechanism that I only started this year is to actually try to enjoy winter, see the beauty, be outside and play. It worked for the month of January, which is significantly longer than any other year I've lived here. My other one is to complain with people. I've met a lot of neighbors and friends while bemoaning the winter.

What do you do? 

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