Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Becoming Part of the Couch

I told Jesse very seriously when it started getting colder out: do not let me become part of this couch. 

I know me. The cold makes me kind of lethargic. So do pandemics apparently. I knew having no where to go and no longer sitting comfortably outside would make me retreat to the couch I'm currently sitting on... and probably watch too much tv. I knew I wouldn't feel good about that. So I thought of all kinds of things that would be a better use of my time, like:

1. Puzzles

2. Coloring

3. Reading

I swear I had other things on this list. 

But then I got pregnant and became too tired to fight any impulses not to become one with this couch. But, I'm mostly okay with it. I need some rest and we did a 1000 piece puzzle the other day and I got super bored with it after day 2 and Jesse finished most of it. 

So, in conclusion: do what you gotta do to get through the worst of this pandemic and go ahead and do things that bring you joy and help you care for yourself, even if 6 months-ago-you would have judged you hard for being lazy. She doesn't know. 

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