Sunday, March 21, 2021

Office Character Percentages

We were talking about what Office characters we were like before church today (everyone prepares for worship differently). Later today I spent more time than I'm proud of deciding what characters I'm like and what percentages of each. Here's the breakdown I think I've landed on:

  • 52% Pam, because I want to believe I'm a mostly endearing form of awkward and would definitely keep candy on my desk for friendship.
  • 15% Michael, because I want people to like me and/or "be afraid of how much they love me"
  • 10% Jim, because I'm kinda funny occasionally and because I aspire to come up with a prank as clever as that one time he sent a fax to Dwight from Future Dwight.
  • 10% Erin, she's pretty bubbly and I'm like that about 10% of the time,
  • 8% Andy, for regularly talking about how awesome college is and randomly singing when people don't really want me to.
  • 4% Kelly, for no real reason except that I 100% want to be best friends with Mindy Kaling in real life. 
  • 1% Dwight, because I watched Battlestar Galactica one time.

What's your Office character breakdown?

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