Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Oh, you don't practice imaginary interviews in the car too?

I'm an out loud thinker and an extrovert. I get sleepy and bored with too much alone time and that's not a good combo for driving. So, when I drive I try to be talking for most of it.

Here's what I might do:
1. Call friends or family
2. Plan/practice my sermon
3. Imagine and practice a sermon I might give one day
4. Practice an important conversation I need to have
5. Sometimes I'll be imagining something so intensely. I'll catch myself talking as if I were there
6. Practice interview questions for future interviews one day
7. If Aaron's in the car and sad, I'll just say any combination of words so he'll stop crying
8. Out loud prayer time.
9. Sing so many songs.
10. If I want to pray but I don't have any words, I'll sing "Lord, listen to your children praying" or "oh Lord, hear my prayer" on repeat for most of the drive.

Some of these might seem kind of weird to you, but here are the benefits for me:
1. I don't fall asleep at the wheel
2. I get most of my sermon done on the way to the office
3. Catch up with friends and fam
4. Exercise my very healthy imagination
5. I'd say praying more is a benefit
6. Same with singing
7. I'm always prepared for an interview?

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