Saturday, April 1, 2017

April Fool's

I used to love April Fool's Day as a kid. I would come up with the best prank that I could think of, which was to tell everyone as seriously as I could that there was a spider on their head and then yell, "April Fool's" immediately afterward. I'm not the best at pranks. It's hard to be clever like that. And also I have an insane amount of guilt, so if ever I trick someone, I just confess right away, and that seems to make it less fun.

One April Fool's in college, I tried to prank call my friend Kyle. It was when ebaumsworld was pretty cool, and there was a prank call feature. It had a bunch of links you could click on with the audio of famous movie quotes. I had a plan to click on them and try to keep a conversation going with him, and he would NEVER KNOW IT WAS ME. Except, I forgot to do the thing where you block the caller ID (*67?), and he answered, "Oh hey Kelli". My plan was ruined. I think I hung up on him and tried again, this time blocking the caller ID. But, honestly, I probably confessed immediately after.

Another year, I was living with my friend Heather. For some reason I had thought off and on that day about telling her that I had accidentally hit her car when I was pulling out of the driveway as a funny April Fool's joke (with both of these examples, I am only confirming that I'm not very good at this). Only, before I could trick her, I accidentally hit her car when I was pulling out of the driveway. It wasn't too bad, but I had to go back inside, tell her that it wasn't an April Fool's joke but was supposed to be, and that I did in fact hit her car, and there's a little nick on her Intrepid.

Happy April Fool's Day.

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