Tuesday, April 11, 2017

I love museums.

I really do. I always have.

I think I love museums so much for two reasons:

The first reason is because when we were little, we would stop at all the museums on our family road trips. Going to a museum meant we weren't in the car, there'd be an opportunity to eat a snack and look at the gift shop, and we could look at cool stuff. But mostly, I associate museums with excitement of vacation.

The other better reason I like museums is because looking at things that have seen a time that I can never see is really cool. I like to be able to touch a part of history (or look at it behind glass)- it connects me somehow to another time. I try to imagine who would have used that decorative bowl, what they would have looked like, what kind of life they had, etc. I think old things hold memories, even if they aren't mine.

But also if they are mine. I was just talking to Jesse about this a couple days ago. I really have a hard time getting rid of my things (even it's something that's been stored in a box for months or years), if there is a good memory attached to them. I don't have the best memory on my own, so holding on to my old stuff helps me remember and feel connected to those happy moments (plus I'm pretty nostalgic in general). I don't like to get to rid of things because I don't want to get rid of my memories.

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