Friday, March 8, 2024

Yelling from the Stairs

Clara's been picking up more and more words all the time. For a while though, she didn't say a lot but she also said a looottt with her face. The kid is really funny. I hope she's a storyteller one day. She's got perfect dynamics and facial expressions, and great comedic timing. She got pretty good at copying the cadence of our voices even when she had no idea what she was saying. You can really hear what you sound like (and how often you yell at the dog) when you have a toddler regularly doing impressions of you. 

One of those times is on the stairs. Sometimes I'll stand in the middle of the stairs and yell up to Aaron to come down or yell down to the kids if they're downstairs. Clara decided it's the place you're supposed to yell stuff. She stands in the middle, throws her whole body into it, and then just yells indiscernible "words." She doesn't have a message she needs to share, she just wants to be like the rest of us, yelling. 

Anyway, Clara's funny and if you need to yell, there's a place on the stairs that is meant for that. And maybe I should yell less.   

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