Monday, March 4, 2024

Why This Blog is Kinda Vulnerable for Me

I've done this blog now for like 8 years? I mustered up some courage to start it that first year because choosing an appropriate amount of vulnerability as a practice (during a church season where people often take up thoughtful practices) seemed like a good idea. And also seemed better than giving up chocolate. :-)

It's still kinda vulnerable for me. 

Here's a bullet point list of some of the reasons why:
  • Even though this blog is pretty irreverent, I'm still creating something that someone else can judge or make fun of or roll their eyes at.
  • I don't have enough time to be perfect about this, so I post things before they're "ready" for the sake of just finishing it. That's also a good practice for me.
  • I'm not a great writer. My job is like a lot of talking (heyyy every report card that said I talked too much to my neighbor in class- look at me nowww) and putting words together so that people will want to hear them. I'm way better at that than writing them down. So, I mostly just write like how I talk instead. Also, I'm not winning any grammar awards in this thing (but who would want to win a grammar award really). 
  • I do really like being funny and I would very much like you to think that I'm funny.
  • The way that I share this so that people can read it is via fb, which feels self-promote-y. I don't want to be self-promote-y, but I did intend for other people to read this, so. Anyway, it's vulnerable to be a little self-promote-y.
  • This blog is mostly random thoughts that I have and now you know some of my random thoughts. 

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