Friday, February 26, 2021

Give it up for Lent! or don't.

Whenever someone says, "give it up for lent" in my head I imagine some kind of scene like this: an announcer yelling, "ladies and gentlemen, give it up for LENNNTTT" and Lent comes out giving high fives and smiling and feigning humility, etc. (it's wild in my brain). 

I used to give up something for Lent every year. It was basically a diet plan/ new year's resolution for the Lord, because I'd give up one of the following: candy, dessert, soda. fast food, and in more recent years limiting screen time, etc.

This year, I've heard a bunch of people joke, "I've given up enough already." Honestly, that's how I feel too after a year in this pandemic. Don't hear that too dramatically. People have given up far more than I have throughout their lifetimes and also throughout these last 12 months. But also, I am pretty tired and the idea of taking more things away just for discipline's sake just doesn't work this time. 

This year, it feels more holy (or some better word for what I'm trying to communicate) and more helpful for my faith and life to focus on the kinds of things I can add that bring joy and gratitude. I don't mean quit being cautious and stop making sacrifices for the sake of keeping people around me safe and healthy, I mean finding joy and gratitude in the things I CAN do right now, and specifically making time to do the things that I can do that make me happy. I'll write some other post about what I think those things are tomorrow or one day soon. 

So anyway, "give it up for Lent!" Or don't.      

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