Tuesday, February 23, 2021

...and go!

There's a certain kind of post that makes me real cringy. It's when people add "... and go!" to some topic, and make it like a race. For example:

  • Favorite recipes... and go!
  • Music I should be listening to right now... and go!

It's not the "and go" in and of itself that makes me cringy. I mean, a little. But it's really cringy when it's used in obscure topics that no one is excited about answering, let alone ready to fight each other to be the first to tell you. Things like:

  • Nasal decongestants you use... and go!
  • Recipes with broccoli... and go!

You know at graduations how some people get these giant cheers/applause/fog horns and then some people don't? And every now and then someone walks up and they put their arms out and they're ready for this giant reception and instead it's like a lone mom quietly yelling, "yay." It's kinda like that.

Alright your turn. Weird pet peeves you have... and go! 

I cringed. At myself.  


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