Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Charlie's Angels

Cal Lutheran goes all out for freshman orientation. When I was a new student we had a week of mixers, games, hiking, various gatherings and several events where you'd come out with a free t-shirt. We did a fair amount of things in our orientation class (freshmen seminar maybe?), and one of those things was to put together a skit to be performed for the rest of the new freshmen class. I'm real shy. And I nervous laugh. And I'm kinda awkward. My role in our skit (which I have no idea what it was about now) was to be one of Charlie's Angels. I think the reboot was kind of cool then. Anyway, to really go all out for my character, I did a sweet kick while saying my line. But it was nighttime and the stage was kind of damp from the moisture in the air, so I slipped, flipped around, and landed on my stomach, spread eagle somehow. For like a week while trying to meet people, people would say, "oh you're that girl who really fell, huh?" Ummhmm. 

That same night there was some other event and I got pretty cold. I didn't have a sweatshirt with me and some guy noticed I was kind of shivery. So he let me borrow his sweatshirt. But there were a bunch of people and I lost him, and I didn't know his name to be able to return it. But, I know that guy now. I'm almost positive it was him at least. He's the husband of one of my besties. But by the time we were all friends, I had already given the sweatshirt to my mom, and then she got rid of it, and I never told him. Sorry Dave, I cannot return your black CLU sweatshirt. This is my confession.

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