Monday, February 22, 2021

Do you look at yourself on Zoom?

Here are some random thoughts and questions regarding this important question:
  • I learned you can hide the screen that shows your face, so you don't have to look at yourself the whole meeting. This is helpful for vanity or the opposite of vanity. 
  • But sometimes it IS helpful to look at your face every now and then. Because like, what if you have food in your teeth? You know what, that's a bad example, because I actually was in a bigger zoom workshop (like 100+ people I didn't know) the other day and could see my face, and I STILL didn't notice that I had a giant black bean covering a whole tooth until after the call was done. And I spoke during this meeting. And it was recorded. 
  • Here's one actual good reason: because of looking at my face while on zoom, I learned that I kinda glare when I'm thinking. If you've watched me think, you already knew that. But, it turns out I did not watch myself think regularly, so I did not know. So now, sometimes I leave my screen up during meetings so I can make sure I'm smiling more than think glaring.
  • If you don't hide your face, it is actually possible not to look at yourself 50% of the time, or more? Is it and me asking this just announces that I am indeed vain? 
  • You can tell what people look at themselves throughout a meeting. It isn't a mirror. I can see you fixing your hair and/or subtly smiling at yourself even. Although, when I'm hanging out with friends on zoom, I DO use it as a mirror and I DO fix my hair. I don't think I smile at myself, but you'll have to tell me.
  • Somewhat related, you can also tell what people aren't looking at ANY faces on zoom, just scrolling the internet. Their eyes move all over the place and the new screen makes their face light up. 

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