Sunday, April 5, 2020

Ways I'm more like a dog now?

I saw something on FB that said, "and now we all understand why dogs get so excited for walks" in relation to quarantining. I laughed and thought that sounded right. Here's a list of how I'm more like a dog right now:

  • The walk thing.
  • Today caught myself sitting in our dog's regular spot just looking out the window at trees and stuff.
  • Sitting in the sun for hours is the thing bringing me the most joy.
  • The desperation for human affection/attention.
  • Unexplained joy when I see people walking outside, when we get a packaged delivered, and when the neighbors are outside.
  • If I could hug people again, I would definitely jump on you and hug you too long.
  • What kind of dinner we might have is a big part of my day.
  • Falling asleep several times during the day in different rooms of the house.
  • Deeps sighs because of claustrophobia
  • Agitation when my sweet three year old is yelling and running six hundred times around the island of the kitchen- which my dog understands deeply.
  • I wouldn't mind if you rubbed my head.  
Well, that's all I can think of right now.

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