Thursday, April 2, 2020

Grown up nap schedule.

Lately, I've been falling asleep when I tuck Aaron in bed. It's usually only for like 5-10 minutes, but tonight it was 45 and I was holding him in a chair and now I'm groggy and my hands are all tingly. I think the 7pm nap is part of my schedule now. Even if I don't think I'm that tired, I make it through a verse or two of a song and then I sing myself to sleep too. He seems to falls asleep first, or else he's too tired to notice that I stopped singing.

I take a morning nap too. Jesse and I have an arrangement. I get up early with Aaron. I don't really want to get up early with him, but when he wakes up and climbs into bed with us, he usually pinches my arm and lays his cheek on my cheek or drapes his entire body across the bed, covering my whole body... so it's not like I'm sleeping anymore anyway. And some mornings he's wide awake and I turn around and he has a giant, precious and slightly creepy smile (Aaron, not Jesse) and says, "hi, let's get up!" But, our deal is that if I do that, I get to go back to bed after Jesse gets out of the shower. If it's been a rough night, I take a nap before 7, but usually I fall back asleep at 7:30/45 and sleep until 8:15. I'd rather just sleep all night like a regular person, but I'll also take what I can get to be a functioning human being.

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