Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Goodbye MN Goodbyes

I love a good MN goodbye. Unless it's outside during the winter, and then I'm just rocking back and forth and inching closer and closer to my car and hoping we just wrap this up or go back inside. But, the rest of the year it's kind of nice. I actually don't mind small talk. I don't mind small talk because I just enjoy talking. My mom and I will regularly call each other and have the same conversations, but it's fun to talk so we just gladly say the same things again. Anyway, MN goodbyes. Now that we've moved most of our social interactions to zoom calls, I've noticed you really can't do a MN goodbye on zoom. Someone just ends the meeting. It always feels too quick. But I bet there are a million introverts who are PUMPED to be able to say goodbye nicely to everyone and click "end meeting" all in 3 seconds.

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