Saturday, April 11, 2020

Unlimited Whys

Aaron's three. He loves to ask why. Like all the other three year olds. I thought maybe we had already gone through the why phase at some point when he was two, but I was wrong. We're here. Now that he's home from daycare AND we are home, home, and home, I get asked why even more. Sometimes he is genuinely curious about things and I like to answer those whys. Sometimes I think he enjoys making me a little twitchy, which is probably genetic. Both my dad and I were born with this gift, the enjoyment of irritating people we love. Well, Aaron asks why a lot. Sometimes I am just too tired of the question that I say, "I don't know." But here's something to reflect on, I say, "I don't know" even when honestly, I DO know. When Jesse gets too tired of the question, he just makes up an answer. And that's a difference between men and women (and a sweeping generalization that may or may not be true- I don't know 😉).

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