Sunday, February 18, 2018

Evenings at the Weiss House

Let me tell you about a normal night at the Weiss house.

We eat dinner sometime between 6/6:30. It takes a while, because Aaron learned that vegetables don't taste as good as meat, so he likes to throw them or secretly hand them to Autumn. Then he cries when we tell him not to do that, because he really wants to do that and he's a one year old and you really can't do much reasoning with a one year old. So, we spend a while consoling him, and then tricking him into eating vegetables by hiding them under meat, or just throwing in a piece of a carrot when he takes a bite. He also wants to use a fork, specifically my fork or Jesse's fork. Inevitably we give him one of our forks and he takes an extra 15 minutes stabbing his food and then taking his other hand and grabbing the food and eating it.

Then we play for 10-15 minutes and do the dishes. Then we give Aaron a bath. He has three bath toys that he likes. His newest game is he takes each of the three toys individually and hands them to me and I say, "thank you" and then I give them back to him and say, "here you go." And then we do that 100 times. He almost said "thank you" today, so I'll call that a win!

Then we read a story, Aaron has some milk, we put him in his wearable blanket, and then he goes to bed.

At 8:00, we play HQ (it's a live trivia game on your phone) and hope we'll win money and we never do.

Then, I take a shower, and afterward occasionally will mindlessly scroll on my phone for 5 minutes in a towel and/or watch an 1/8 of tv show on my phone while I'm getting dressed.

Then, I write this blog. I often start writing about one thing, and get distracted and write about something else. That happened tonight.

After that, usually I eat a snack while watching HGTV with Jesse and we're in bed by 10:30.

I think College Kelli would think I'm kind of boring. She would be right. But, also, it's a good life. And I'm pretty happy about it. 

Alright, I'm going to watch HGTV and eat a couple ritz chips.

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