Friday, February 23, 2018

Buggy the Bug

When I was in first grade, my bff Bernard and I made a "bug" out of paper (we pretty much folded a piece of paper a few times and put a smiley face on him). We named him, "Buggy." Buggy the Bug. We eventually made him a paper home for him to sleep, and sometimes we'd dig him a little cave in the sandbox for him to play in. During class, he'd take turns living in my desk and in Bernard's desk.

He was a faithful pet. If he got ripped or we accidentally threw him away, we'd just take out another piece of notebook paper, do a few fancy folds, and Buggy would reappear.

I miss playing games like this. I don't know that I ever grew out of playing and being weird and silly. Like, if I was hanging out with some friends at a bar or restaurant and they picked up a napkin and folded it and said, "hey, let's pretend this is a bug." I'd say, "definitely."

That's mostly unlikely though. BUT, I have a one year old. And he thinks everything is fun. I'm going to teach him all the pretending.

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