Sunday, February 25, 2018

Bedtime Practices

Every night before bed, I write in 1-3 books: a gratitude book, and two of those little pocket calendars. I write at least 5 things I'm thankful for/ things that were good about my day in the gratitude book. A friend of mine got me the book 3 years ago, and I've been writing it most nights since. One of the pocket calendars I write down fun things I did: friends/family who came to visit, trips we went on, random festivals around southern Wisconsin, church events, family adventures, and our Friday afternoon dates. The other pocket calendar I write down when I do something that scares me. I want to be a braver person, and I think it helps me when I celebrate the things I do that make me nervous and/or are vulnerable.

They're pretty good practices and really easy to do. Those little calendars are like a dollar, and if you don't have a special gratitude journal, just get a regular one. Put them by your bed with a good pen, so you have to look at them before you go to sleep (I mean, only if you think this is a good idea and want to do it too).

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