Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Wait, before I do that, let me check Facebook 600 times.

Well, that's what I do. If there's something I have to do, Facebook gets way more interesting. Sometimes I don't even realize I'm looking at it. I literally grabbed the computer JUST so I could write this post, and all of a sudden it's been 20 minutes and I just started this.

I used to have the Facebook app on my phone. It was convenient. I could be pretty much anywhere and I could click that little blue F and instantly I'd see random posts I could mindlessly scroll through. Pictures of cute babies and puppies, obnoxious political memes that subsequently inspire me to unfollow people, thoughtful articles about current events I don't understand but want to, quizzes about what Disney princess I might be and what I'm going to look like when I'm 80, inner thoughts of people I sort of knew in high school-- there is really just so much to see.

But it's a time suck. And addictive. I'd pull my phone out all the time and without even thinking about it, I'd be on Facebook for 5 minutes and I wouldn't even remember clicking on it.

And, it makes me kind of anxious sometimes. When I couldn't sleep in the middle of the night, I'd grab my phone and look at Facebook, hoping it would distract me from the zillion random unimportant thoughts I have if I wake up at 3am, but instead, I'd click on some article or read some post about politics and social issues and have one of the following reactions:
2. I should probably mull over my imaginary response to that person and ask them WHY DO THEY THINK THAT TERRIBLY SIMPLISTIC AND UNTHOUGHTFUL AND HARMFUL THING and help them see something different.
3. Wait, if people knew what I thought about this current event/social issue, is there someone thinking HOW DOES SHE THINK SOMETHING LIKE THAT?
4. What do I know about this issue at all? What 18 ways are there to approach this conversation?
5. The world is FALLING APART and I don't have any basic skills to survive if all of our current infrastructure disintegrates. I don't know how to hunt. I can't keep plants alive. When should I start learning these things? 
6. Some kind of shame cycle about how I didn't speak up about the issue at hand, usually prompted at a friend posting a quote from MLK's Letter from Birmingham Jail.

Arguably, some of those reactions might be helpful to think about in the daytime, like, learning how to garden, and others too. But, really unhelpful at 3am. And weirdly, I still couldn't sleep after that.

So, like a month and a half ago, I deleted the FB app, and my life is so much better. I check FB 0-2 times a day (unless I'm trying to get work done and I have my computer out...then it's about 600 still). I probably sleep better too. Let me recommend deleting the FB app.


  1. Me: Stops mindless scrolling of clothes I don’t need but hacecall the wants for on a Facebook group site to read this. Read it and start feeling the same guilt and shame I always do when you mention deleting the fb ap. Then I start thinking if I really should. And then if you maybe think I’m weak for not. And then wait- that’s because maybe I AM weak. Maybe I’m pathetic, too, because I have no social life so I depend on FB for connections and adults. Oops- more guilt shame. Instantly clicks on FB ap and starts scrolling again to escape/cope with negative feelings. Thinks “dang it! Back on! See! No self control...!” Sigh. Clearly I can’t read your blog OR go on FB if I want to go to bed and my down the rabbit hole of thoughts! Craaaaaap.

  2. Clearly I didn’t proof read/review that before I posted it. Now I’m obsessing about the stupid auto speller mistakes that snuck in without my noticing. And I’m irritated I can’t just edit it.. do I delete it and re-post? Wait- would you see I did that and wonder? What would you Wonder?.... aaaahh!!! All the things!
