Thursday, March 22, 2018

FOMO, but also just MO

FOMO= fear of missing out.

This is a common ailment for millennials. And I'm a millennial. And I have this ailment.

I really like where we live, but we left a lot of our people to move here, and I left a lot of my people before that when I moved away from California. Each of the moves that I've had in the last ten years have been because of my calling and/or Jesse's. Part of this gig is that if you believe that God is calling you somewhere, you have to go there. And "there" is not always where all your family and best friends live.

So, *sometimes* I get FOMO.

Who are we kidding, I always have FOMO. I have FOMO right now because Jesse said, "if you finish your blog quick, we can watch This is Us" and now I'm worried I will take too long to write this and then it will be too late and then I'll have to wait a whole day.

FOMO is easy to get because there are always fun things happening, and if you like fun things, it's easy to get nervous you're going to miss some of them. Sometimes there are like 3 different things that I want to go to at the same time, and I have been known to try to go to all of them...but then what actually happens is that I stop by two of them and accidentally miss one of them because I was overly ambitious and not actually capable of going to 3 parties/events at the same time... but it doesn't quite seem to stop from doing this again.  (Side note: I also have terrible time management. In seminary, I knew that I had to leave my house by 7:25 to get to class on time, and for some reason, every night I set my alarm for 7:15. I'm not the most high maintence person in the world, but also, when have I EVER gotten gotten ready for the day in 10 minutes? I was late pretty much every day of my last year of school.)

The thing about moving away is not actually FOMO, it's just MO. I know that my friends have birthdays and baby showers and get togethers, that I just can't get to. When you're far away, it's not just the fear of missing out, it's actually that you are missing out. That sounds sad. It kind of is. But also, life is a beautiful adventure! And for every move we've had, we've had the opportunity to do new things, meet new people, go new places, and find joy in the unfamiliar. That makes me feel brave. And I'd hate to miss out on a beautiful adventure, and new things and new people and new places.

In conclusion, no one have fun without me? Everyone move here? 

This Is Us is ready to go. Bye!

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