Monday, March 19, 2018

A perfect day by myself.

My sis asked me earlier what the perfect day by myself would be like (she had the day off and was pretty much having the perfect day by herself). So, I lived vicariously through her and imagined what my imaginary day by myself would be like. Side note, I don't even really like being by myself. Year and a half ago me wouldn't have enjoyed having the day by myself, but now life is one million percent different and I'm lucky if I get to do a luxurious thing like cook dinner alone, so a day that I get to do all the things that I want to do without feeling selfish about it would be so nice.

So, here's what my perfect alone day would be like:

I would have had the perfect night sleep- 10:30-6:30 and wouldn't need to sleep in. I'd stay in bed until 7 though and check my email and read the news and randomly scroll while considering getting up.

After I got ready for the day, I'd have a nice breakfast that included turkey bacon and a bagel with fake cream cheese and coffee with a mix of original creamer and peppermint mocha creamer. After reheating it for the 12th time, I'd put the rest of my coffee in a Contigo mug and leave.

I'd want to go to some place pretty to walk. Maybe a state park or a lake or both.

Then I'd want to get a haircut, because I haven't gotten a real haircut since October 2016 and my hair is super long.

Then I'd take myself to lunch. I've always wanted to eat at this bike shop/cafe by my house, so maybe I'd go there.

Then, I'd buy some things from Target that I don't need. Like a candle, some nice pens, nail polish and a shirt. Maybe a book too, like a YA one that doesn't make me think too much.

I'd go find some place pretty to sit, in front of a lake, maybe on a blanket in the grass, and read that book that I bought.

Then, I'd come home. If I wanted to take a nap, I might.

I might dig out some old pictures or old memories because nostalgia makes me happy, and so do people I love.

I'd pour a decent glass of wine and take out a bunch of crafts and make something, while watching a netflix show I'm only 45% interested in.

I assume it's near dinner now, so I'd put on a movie and eat a giant plate of nachos with some sparkly water.

Maybe another half glass of wine and some chocolate.

Then, I'd take a bath, paint my nails, and call it a day.

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