Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Pet Peeves

Here's a list of all of the things that bug me:

  • when people smack their food, especially cake
  • speed bumps
  • when people say "just" repeatedly while praying outloud
  • getting a response to an email with a question that was answered in the first email
  • when people fish for compliments 
  • when people ask you to do something for them without actually asking- just hinting really loud.
  • "scooping" when singing
  • also, vibrado
  • when people flake
  • when people tell me that I look like a kid, and when I don't look happy about it instead of apologizing, they tell me that I'll love hearing things like that when I'm older
  • telling me the same thing 10 times in a row
  • long goodbyes where you start doing small talk again
  • rude political memes and also any political memes
  • being a passenger in a car with someone who hits their brakes too hard, especially in traffic 
  • misusing they're/there/their and your/you're
  • popcorn stuck in my teeth
  • dogs licking me
  • snoring
  • hearing my alarm at another time in the day
  • the patriarchy
  • being cold
  • realizing the clothes I wanted to wear are dirty or lost in the black hole of my closet
  • bad breath
  • people who aren't Jesse getting close enough that I could know they have bad breath
  • when people stand stoicly during the hymns at church and refuse to sing
  • clinginess
  • nails on a chalkboard or similar surface
  • any sentence that comes after: "I'm not a racist, but" or "I'm not sexist but..."
  • most commentary on Christian radio stations
  • the comments section on pretty much every article I've ever read
  • when people don't have their dogs on a leash and they come charging at my dog on a walk
  • loud noises
  • pessimism
  • any post on facebook that says, "share if you agree" 
Well, I'm sure I have more. Also, I'm sure I do a lot of these. Sometimes I bug me too. :-)


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