Sunday, March 26, 2017

I hate facebook

Listen, Facebook, it's not your fault. It's not really you that I hate, but there are a few things that I don't really like that are (partially) because of you:

  1. My addiction to mindless scrolling. Sometimes I don't even think I'm reading what people post, I'm just scrolling. I guess it's soothing?
  2. How much time I waste not doing things because I seem to think I need to check Facebook. What do I think will have changed in 5 minutes time? No idea.  
  3. Getting sucked into the excitement of seeing how many likes I have for something I've posted. I want to make fun of people who are all about the likes, but let's be real, it makes me feel good when people think I'm funny or support something I'm doing, etc.
  4. Seeing people that I like that I don't live close to anymore doing fun things without me.
  5. That it's become the news, but filtered through my friends' views. 
  6. Political memes.
  7. The comment sections on most news posts- why are people so cruel?
  8.  Probably the thing that I struggle with the most is getting glimpses of people's political views or opinions on social issues (which are sometimes surprising or disappointing) but not really being invited in thoughtful conversations about why they think the way they do. I would prefer to have a real life conversation with someone that I trust enough to disagree with and learn from, but facebook feels more like I've walked up to a group of people- some that I know and some I don't- and force my way into a conversation where I'm bound to be misunderstood or I'm bound to misunderstand someone else. Plus, it's hard to have much empathy for each other when we're reading verses having a real conversation. 
  9. When I scroll over a video in the middle of the night and accidentally click on it with the sound on.
  10. The creepy marketing on the side that's specifically targeted just to me.
  11.   When the chat feature turns back on, even though I've turned it off. I don't like when people know I'm on facebook. 
Well, I don't want to be a Negative Nelly, so here are a few things that I DO really like:
  1. Getting to connect to friends from a million different places.
  2. Networking.
  3. Sharing pictures with each other.
  4. Having a place where pictures and memories are saved from the last ten years.
  5. Getting to support people in their life accomplishments and getting supported in mine.
  6. Staying up to date with people I don't get to talk to as often.
  7. Recipe videos, especially the ones that are really elaborate desserts.
  8. Thoughtful articles that help me learn or give me words to describe my thoughts.
  9. Friends' baby and puppy pictures.
  10. BFF group messenger threads.
  11. Funny things.
  12. Being able to invite people to a party pretty easy.
  13. The "on this day" feature- I love memories and I'm always nostalgic. I love being reminded of good things that have happened.
  14. The internet reminding me when it's a friend's birthday.

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