Wednesday, March 29, 2017


We talked about millennials for a little bit during our Wednesday Lent bible study/ service that we're doing, so today seemed like a good day to say a word or two about them. Not really them, more like us. I'm one of them. That's mostly what I want to say about Millennials, that I'm one of them. I was born in 1986. I'll be 31 in October. The oldest millennials will be turning 36 this year I think. I know that might seem very young to some, but I think it's pretty solidly adult. I get there isn't an official end year to the millennials (at least that I know of), so there's a wide age range, but I don't get the sense that when older generations talk about the millennials that they're imagining people in their 30s. The Millennials seem to have been immortalized somewhere between 16 and 22 (is immortalized the right word?). I just want to remind people that some of us are parents and are getting gray hair and definitely did have cassettes and know what life was like without cell phones.

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