Thursday, March 3, 2022

Snowshoeing in CA

I love snowshoeing. It's really fun. It's basically hiking but you can do it after it snows a bunch and you get to waddle in a socially acceptable way.

The first time I went snowshoeing was in California. I was in college and a few friends from places where it actually snows said, "wouldn't it be so fun if we went snowshoeing?" I said yes, obviously, without actually knowing what it was.

In Southern California you GO TO the snow. And sometimes it's not even there. I have a memory of when I was like 4 or 5 and driving up to the mountains to play in the snow and when we got there we saw it! We got out of the car and there were these tiny chunks of snow surrounded by dirt. We squealed with joy and tried to make a snowman out of them. 

This time we went up to Frazier Park and there was snow. Kind of. It was the kind of snow that has been there for a while and the paths are mostly ice. I didn't know. It looked lovely. I was ready to snowshoe on it. We went in the little visitor center where you could rent them. There were 5 of us and they had 4 pairs of actual snowshoes. BUT they had one pair of giant plastic ones as a decoration on the wall and they told me, "we'll just have you use these." I don't know if it was a mean joke or not, but if it were me, I'd only rent someone plastic shoes to walk on ice if I was kind of mean. It worked about as well as you'd expect. I trailed 10 feet behind everyone and fell every second. I finally took them off and just hiked. 

Also, it was still fun. And here are some pics (thanks FB!): 

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