Tuesday, April 5, 2022

The contents of my purse.

I spilled water in my purse for the like 40th time, so I decided it was okay to say that my trusty black purse with the fake leather peeling off had lived a good life and it was time to let go. I quick bought a new one via Target pick up and started cleaning out the old one this evening. Here's what I found:

  • 2 of the same free notebooks.
  • A couple still wet masks and gloves.
  • 20ish pens. I needed both hands to hold all of them.
  • My planner, with newly water stained pages.
  • Some team builder question cards. Also kinda warped from the spill and the other previous spills.
  • A pair of broken earrings.
  • About 20 paper clips.
  • An appointment card for December of 2019.
  • A card from someone I like and had forgotten it was in there, so that was a fun surprise. 
  • A quarter and a dirty penny.
  • 3 different kinds of bars, all smushed (fiber one, lara bar, and nature valley chewy granola bar)
  • A very questionable dove dark chocolate.
  • 3 chapsticks
  • Some random damp papers that I immediately threw away.
  • A key? For? I don't know.
Two things:
1. This list says a lot about me. 
2. I should maybe spill water in my purse more often? Or just clean it for other reasons.

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