Saturday, March 23, 2019

Socks on Hands

Kids sometimes do weird things. Like how our kid likes to sleep with his socks on his hands. We don't know why. He would periodically do this when we were driving to the store- he'd pull off his shoes and socks and then put his socks on his hands. It was kind of funny, but also frustrating when he'd do that in between every stop while running errands. I don't really want to put his shoes on 5 times in one hour.

Recently he started going to a new daycare and apparently he's been starting to do the socks on hands thing at naptime.

Then he asked for them for bedtime.

It's a little weird and I don't know if I should readily provide him socks to do this, but also he's 2 and not always the best sleeper, and sometimes we get desperate. If we have any indication that there's something working for better sleep, we do that thing.

One time he had a good sleeping through the night stretch and the only thing I could think of that we had done was place his cabbage patch doll ("Baby") and his bear ("Mimi"- he named him) next to his crib so they could "keep an eye on him." We just kept doing that for like a month, and we even found a big enough bag to shove Baby and Mimi in so they could come with us to California in December. That stopped working (if it ever actually was the thing that was working), so you gotta know we've been trying socks on hands in the middle of the night these days.

Speaking of sleeping, I need to do that now.

My socks will remain on my feet though.

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