Thursday, March 21, 2019

Did You Drink Water?

My answer for most ailments or possible ailments is: how much water did you have? Maybe go have another glass of water?

Does your head heart? Drink some water.
Tummyache (you're allowed to call a stomach a tummy when you're talking to a small child and also when it has an ache)? Drink some water.
Tired? Water.
Stuffy nose? Drink more water.
You had two glasses of wine? That's not an ailment, but just drink at least two glasses of water just in case. Some 32-year olds get tummyaches pretty easy.

Well, it's possible there's only really a handful of things. But they're pretty common ones.

Mostly, drink a bunch of water. It's good for you.

Here's some water options I like:
1. Sparkling
2. In a Nalgene
3. Hot, in a cup, like having a cup of tea, but with no tea.
4. With cucumbers
5. With mint
6. With lemon
7. In a can labeled La Croix, but that's only in a pinch. And the pinch is that I ran out of the carbonator thing for my soda stream.
8. Filtered.
9. Bottled. Scratch that. I don't want to waste bottles, but I really like that mineral-y taste that you can get.
10. From Jesse's bottle, when I forgot mine.
11. Used to make coffee*

So, there are some ideas for ya.

*While it would be delicious to exclusively get your water intake from #11, that much caffeine will probably make you crazy and sick.  

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