Thursday, February 22, 2018

The gospel according to Coolio

Back in 1995, the best show on at 7:30 am was MTV jams. I would get ready for school as fast as I could so I could watch the top 10 jams. I got ready even faster when Coolio's Gangsta's Paradise was number one.

If it's been a while since you've heard it, now's a good time. It was THE JAM to 9 year old me, and apparently also to MTV. Here's a youtube.

I remember once my cousin made a copy of the song from the radio onto a cassette. We were all in the car with my great-grandma, and she let us blast it. We played it over and over again crusing around Thousand Oaks, while I'm sure my great-grandma rolled her eyes and/or smiled and/or sang it with us. I always smile thinking of that memory. I mean, how many great-grandmas do you see blasting rap? 

You may remember the first line of the song, "as I walk through the valley of the shadow of death..." It's a quote from Psalm 23. It's a popular psalm to read at funerals (it's a lovely psalm, so that makes sense). My great-grandma passed away 11 years ago today. I remember sitting by my cousin during her service and she flipped open the bulletin, and what was printed there? Psalm 23. She looked over at me and whispered excitedly, "it's grandma's song!" It was perfect. I think we did a few laugh-cries.

And that's how Coolio brought a little good news one time.

I miss my grandma and hope she's rolling her eyes at how ridiculous this post is. 


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