Monday, April 3, 2023

Let me do this better than you for one minute

Today I was losing patience with my kiddos. Trying to leave the house in any timely fashion with little people is perhaps the worst time of the day. I was trying to get out to the door and on our way to the science museum and someone (my beloved 6 year old child) was spinning and not looking where they were going so I got increasingly louder and grouchier and said, "hey can you just look at where you are, sweet child." There was little sweet about the way I said it. We were getting into the elevator with a big old hard to turn stroller and I was basically sweating just getting the kids from the car, with all their stuff, whilst children are yelling and spinning in a parking lot, etc. etc. when we met this lady. She was a very very nice lady who obviously caught my curt tone and decided to level up her sweetness to my children. I don't know if I can describe this better, but I could tell she was judging ME by being SO SO SO nice to my kids in that moment. My kids deserve every single kindness in the world, they truly do, but I got the sense she thought she was swooping in to save them from my grouchiness with her sweetness. Like I've never met any of you nor spent any length of time with you, but let me be the better parent here. I definitely wasn't less grouchy after that. 

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