Friday, February 28, 2020

How much money would you pay to eat food you're allergic to and not have a reaction?

My friend Dave asked me this question the other day (the months ago kind of other day) and I said I'd probably pay $200 per month to be able to have all the dairy I want without a terrible stomachache. I usually describe my relationship to cheese as an unrequited love. I love it, it doesn't love me back. If I were able to have all the dairy I'd want for $200 a month, I'd also have to budget about $50 a month for new pants? I would obviously want to eat as much dairy as possible in order to get $200 worth, but also dairy isn't like slimming. Pizza, ice cream, nachos, quesadillas, real butter aren't exactly at the bottom of the food pyramid (although all the carbs are, so probably just throw that example out) and those are definitely the foods that I would eat. I'd also have to budget more for groceries to cover the costs for 3 people to consume dairy products in our house, instead of just 2. Jesse was in earshot of this conversation and he was very offended at the idea. He was not offended at me paying $200 to consume dairy products, he was offended at the idea that I would ALSO be consuming dairy products in our home. He would need to scoop ice cream into a bowl, instead of directly from the carton, and that was just TOO MUCH to consider in this very hypothetic scenario. And also, pizza. We have a good system worked out with pizza.

I wouldn't pay more than $10 a month for eggs. They're okay. Not the best. I can live without them. If I were going out to breakfast, maybe I'd pay a one time charge to have an omelette or something. I've never even had an omelette because I learned about them after I learned I was allergic. They look good. I'd eat one. I'd pay some money to eat one. I would not pay for a day long stomach ache for one though. That's too much.

How much money would YOU pay?

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