Monday, April 3, 2023

Crowded Table

This is one of my favorite songs: Crowded Table by The Highwomen. Just listen to it and smile a little bit, if you want.

Here's the chorus:

I want a house with a crowded table

And a place by the fire for everyone

Let us take on the world while we're young and able

And bring us back together when the day is done

That IS what I want. I regularly fantasize about ways I can build community and various events I want to host. Today I was fantasizing for like 20 minutes about having some kind of community neighborhood thanksgiving meal. (Actually, I was watching the Thank You Day episode of Daniel Tiger and then wondering how I could have the same event. Daniel Tiger's neighborhood loves being neighborly and being in community.) 

In conclusion:

  • Listen the The Highwomen, they're delightful
  • It's okay to watch Daniel Tiger with or without children
  • I need to build a very large table.
  • Here's a motto I try to live by: every person is worth meeting and knowing.  

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