Saturday, March 4, 2023

Trick Hikes

I love to go hiking. It's probably my favorite activity. Especially in the sunshine in pretty places. Aaron does NOT like to go hiking. He thinks it's boring. He throws a 6 year old version of a fit whenever we tell him he has to join the rest of us on a walk or a hike, which is like: look sullen and don't speak unless its to ask if one of us will carry him. When we went out to CA last, we were trying to figure out a low-key outdoor activity and so we decided to walk around the outside part of the Chumash Museum. It was basically a hike, but we told him we were actually going on an "exploration." He loved it. He ran half of it. He noticed pretty and cool things. It was great. In conclusion, he likes hiking if he's tricked into thinking he's not hiking. 

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