Monday, April 11, 2022

What if it all works out?

One of my slogans for the year is: "what if it all works out?" You know where I got that line? From a Facebook targeted ad for this sweatshirt:

It's an okay sweatshirt. I'm not going to buy it for $30 plus shipping, but I might get it if it were at a thrift store or something? 

It's a good question though. The one on the sweatshirt. What if it all works out? 

I spend many, many, many hours (usually at like 3 am) worrying and/or thinking through scenarios that are not currently happening and very, very, very likely will NOT happen, maybe ever.

I'm not more prepared when I pre-overthink things. I just waste a bunch of time worrying and not being present in the moment OR NOT SLEEPING at the sleeping times.

So, this question has helped me a bunch this year. When I start getting all stewy, I just ask myself, "what if it all works out?" and then try to think about ways it just might.

(JUST TO BE CLEAR: I don't think saying this line actually makes everything work out. I don't believe you can just positive thinking your way into having a life without struggle, stress, loss, etc. BUT I do think I worry about stuff more than it actually happens and what if I imagined it working out instead of assuming it won't?) 

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